We are a German high-tech startup with a leap innovation in IoT.
We offer a low-code software suite to simplify IoT data exchange by 10x.
We enable secure, self-organized devices and networks - and with it the WWW of IoT.
We help companies manage the complexity of IoT data architectures by providing them with a software suite designed to automate data collection, storage, processing, and sharing for IoT systems.
IoT data exchange becomes a breeze and significantly cheaper.
Distributed information storage that enables seamless access to information.
Adopt and scale your IoT systems easily.
Minimize downtime and reliability engineering.
State-of-the-art security technologies are integrated.
Full control with who and how do your share data.
We are a German B2B software high-tech startup located in Leipzig. Our core team consists of seven senior professionals with over 100 years experience in high-tech & software. Now, we are a hungry team of 10+ persons, have developed the core technology and gained with IBM a strong first strategic partner.
IoT data exchange is a challenge, as complex manual activities are required to connect devices and to manage data. We automate these steps by enabling self-organized devices and networks. Our solution is inspired by principles of self-organization in nature.
Enterprises can hardly manage the integration and data flood of their devices. Expensive and hard to adopt & scale.
Enterprises can easily manage the integration and data of their devices. Low-cost and highly flexible & scalable.
+ Any of their device can autonomously communicate and interact with each other - within the enterprise & beyond.
+ They build knowledge networks, where any device find & get the information it needs - automatically.
"One of the biggest obstacles to the Internet of Things
is that it depends on centralized infrastructure.“
– Frank Thelen, 10x DNA
Our product: a modular low-code software suite to simplify IoT data exchange by factor 10x and enable self-organized devices and networks.
Our solution for devices with low resources - like sensors.
Our solution for OS-based devices.
Visualize and manage your network.
Build and manage the visualization of the data.
Define and manage your data products easily.
With our software and additional tools everyone can build and manage IoT networks.
Devices will establish and optimize their connection to others in a self-organized way.
Devices automatically find & get exactly the information it needs & is authorized to access.
Peeriot.Swarm is useful for any device network: from network exploration to autonomous, AI based devices.
Airport, Harbor, ...
Hospitals, Offices, ...
Factories, Logistic Centers, ...
Smart Cities, ...
Predictive maintenance
Infrastructure monitoring
Supply chain optimization
Environmental monitoring
Cross-company compliance
Smart mobility networks
World wide sensor networks
Transportation Networks
Autonomous machines (I4.0)
Automated delivery services
Smart public infrastructure
Autonomous fleet management
The WWW and search engines like Google have made it possible for people to communicate seamlessly with each other and find the information they need and are authorized to access.
We will make it possible for devices to communicate seamlessly with each other and find the information it needs and it is authorized to access.
We enable the WWW for IoT - on enterprise-level.
We call this new world: #PeerIoT.
Our technology will be usable for any type of smart device and in any market. Currently we are focusing on these three markets:
Smart Buildings & Infrastructure. Smart Agriculture. Smart Grid.
Environmental networks.
From smart sensors to robot networks. From interconnected smart factories to self-organized supply chains.
Smart Rail.
Smart Car.
Smart Traffic.
Smart Aerospace.
We are verifying our technology with various enterprises and research institutes in the areas of iIoT, Smart Mobility und Smart City.
If you are interested in testing our technology to explore new possibilities for data exchange, we would like to hear from you.
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